As I blog this, a major snowstorm is on its way to Minnesota and Dawn-Marie is feverishly finishing up the Spring Issue of 365Being. She has done an amazing job on the past two issues and I so look forward to seeing the latest one. Yes, I too get to enjoy the "surprise" of what the next issue looks like when I first see a proof from Wagner Press and Graphics. Dawn-Marie IS the creativity of 365Being. There is no doubt about that. She creates all the layouts of the magazine and does such an amazing job. I help come up with story ideas, write a few articles, balance the checkbook, taste test her recipes, investigate events and keep track of the weather. Keep track of the weather???? I know that DM gets busy and doesn't always have time to catch the news or weather, so I keep her abreast of things. I just hung up from talking to her about this latest snowstorm and she thanked me because she has been so involved in getting this issue done, that she hadn't taken the time to listen to the weather.
I am really excited about this latest issue because there is an article by Barb Gates-Schaben about buying vintage items. I LOVE vintage stuff. So does our web designer, Shannon. She recently made a pink stewardess outfit from a vintage pattern.
Here she is all pretty in pink.
You can read about her project on her blog:
Wishing all of you a wonderful day!!!
I coulda starved! I've been putting off grocery shopping for days, and if the 5-10 inches comes in tonight that they are forecasting, I won't be pulling my van out of the driveway tomorrow. I'd have had to eat rubber celery and mustard. Everybody should have a Cat to keep track of details like checkbooks and weather forecasts! Thanks to her, I'm all stocked up on fresh veggies and eggs, and ready to push on through the night on page layouts...not that we will probably be able to get to the printer in the morning. Sigh.