Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spinning Spinning Spinning

Have you ever wanted to try spinning?  We don't mean spinning class at your local gym, but actually spinning fiber into yarn. Terri Williams tells us in her article, "Historia", which appears in the Spring Issue of 365Being, how she was terrible when she first learned to spin, but eventually, she got better, and how her interest and love of spinning lead to raising sheep on her farm, attending shearing school and then the shearing of her own sheep.   You'll love her "sheep philosophy of life!"

We at 365Being are all about living a hands-on, heart felt, perfectly imperfect life.  Terri didn't do well her first time at spinning.  She made mistakes and had mis-adventures, but she did not give up, and now she's developed her passion and is doing amazing things with it.  She's our kind of woman!

What have you been thinking you really ought to try?  Is there a skill you wish you had, or a hobby that interests you that you think looks pretty complicated to start?  Once you read how Terri met her first teacher, and how she embraced learning, even when it was hard, we think you'll be inspired.

You can subscribe, or just purchase a single issue (online or in print), by following the link near the upper right of this page.  Just want to know more about Terri?  She doesn't have a website at this time, but you'll find her on facebook under MicroCosmic Farms, and if you have questions, you can reach her the old fashioned way (which is our favorite way):

Terri Williams
50 Hendrick Loop Rd.
Omak, WA 98841

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