One of the biggest challenges for a small business these days is marketing. Traditional advertising is rarely the best route, as it's so hard to reach enough of an audience on a modest budget, or even a pretty big one. Internet marketing is the hottest trend, but there is so much to understand, and about the time you get it figured out, the whole thing shifts. It works well for many businesses, but it isn't the only option. Cat and I looked at lots of things, read all kinds of advice, and participated in a few telesummits, all aimed at marketing for entrepeneurs like us.
One of our favorite telesummit speakers was Reverend Deborah Johnson, and one of her phrases really resonated with me: "The energy that obtains, sustains." In other words, whatever you choose to do to attract that customer (job, lover, money, etc.) is what you will have to continue doing to keep it. Oh, yeah. One quick glance back over my life, and
that's obvious (thankfully not
always in a bad way).
We decided we better make sure that any marketing plan we implemented was something we would have fun with. Something completely authentic to our own way of being, something that represented the core values of our business. You've missed our hourly cute facebook posts? Not getting our tweets? Your inbox isn't full of special sale notices from us every morning? Don't worry, nobody saw those, because we didn't send them.
We like facebook and email to keep our readers and fans up to date, but neither of us has the time nor desire to launch a full scale online campaign. Cat and I, we're all about snail mail, real hugs, authentic smiles, and great conversations. Thus, the core of our marketing plan is two-fold. First, we're going out in person to all kinds of events, mostly local, but national in the not too distant future, to introduce ourselves to new readers, and meet our existing ones in person. Some of our events are like craft shows and expos, others will be mini-classes and workshops.
This is our booth design for the vendor and craft fair this weekend in Medina. Would you be tempted to stop and look? Any suggestions? Comment below. Want to come see us? Scroll down (or click back) one post for more information and directions to the Medina Entertainment Center. |
The second part of our marketing plan involves you, our readers. We want to make it easy for you to share us. You are already starting conversations about us with your friends and co-workers, and we so appreciate this. Tell us how we can make it easier for you to spread the word about this fun fabulous publication full of cool content, and no advertising. You can contact us through our website,, or just click the comment counter at the bottom of this post.
Over time, we'll add more things to ur marketing plan, and more staff to implement them, no doubt, but this feels like a manageable, authentic path for now. And if it's not perfect? Well, you know how we feel about that!
Come see us this Sunday in Medina, if you're out enjoying this first weekend of Minnesota spring!
P.S. Looking for a great Mother's Day Gift? Might I recommend a certain rather fabulous bookazine?